data engineering
dbt multi-project collaboration
Use cross-project references without dbt Cloud. This article showcases what you can do to activate dbt multi-project collaboration.
How to get started with dbt
What's a dbt model, a source and a macro? Learn how to get started with dbt concepts.
What is the metrics store
What is the metrics store? What are the key difference with the metrics layer or the semantic layer?
I talked to DataGen podcast
In 2022 I talked in DataGen podcast about the newsletter curation process and why Data Engineering is so cool.
How to manage and schedule dbt
The most complete guide about everything you need to know when you manage and schedule dbt. It features an exhaustive list of solutions.
How to deploy an OSM tile server
How to deploy an OpenStreetMap compatible tile server by yourself with a custom style.
Snowflake vs. BigQuery
This is an honest comparison between Snowflake and BigQuery. Which one is better? Which one you should pick?
Data Engineering Alphabet #1
Understand data engineering concepts through an alphabet.
Apache Superset — Use URL to filter dashboards
Learn how to select filters from URL in Superset dashboards. Walkthrough native filters and filter box.
Introduction to Airflow concepts
Getting started with Airflow, understand what are the basic concepts of Airflow and where to get started.